Friday, 24 February 2017

Week 8

We are still working on our Winter theme. Here's a Picture of a scene we studied of  what Swedish Winter can look like.

Dear All,

Hope you’ve had a good week. We have worked with the following:

Swedish – The students continued working with “Leksaksfabriken/ The Toy Factory.  The head of  the toy factory has asked the students to bring  a "secret toy" to school. The "secret toy" will be kept in a "secret box". The student will describe it in Swedish to the class and let their classmates guess what it is.

Math – we worked with problem solving using addition and subtraction.
Science/NO – we continued our work with the theme Winter.

English – we continued with Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl as our read aloud. We are going to use the book for class discussions and to inspire our writing.

After the Winter break:

There is no homework for the break. The students were, however, given an assignment due March 15, 2017. For this assignment, the students have been given a ditto with six birds that don't migrate from Sweden during the Winter. The students have been asked to see if they can look out for these birds, become "bird watchers".

We will celebrate 300 Days of School March 8, 2017. The students can play with their secret toys on this day but are otherwise not to bring toys from home to school.

Wishing you a great winter break/sportlov.
See you again March 6, 2017.

Kind regards,
Boë, Jim, Ninna and Sewe

Friday, 17 February 2017

Field Trips and Weekly Letter w7

On the way to Östermalms IP

Fun on the ice

Creations at the Moderna Museet by us

After the tour the class got to use their work shop to create
Dear All,
Hope you’ve had a good week. Ours has been very busy!
We were away from school on two field trips. On Wednesday February 15, we went to a work shop at The Museum of Modern Art in Skeppsholmen. The theme was “Color”; we looked at works of art by Henri Matisse, Moki and Don Cherry, Robert Rauschenberg and a few others. We then went to the children’s art studio and created paintings of our own. On Thursday February 16 in glorious weather, we went to Östermalm’s idrottsplats to skate/have gym class with Magnus the gym teacher.  
We have also worked with the following:
Swedish – The students continued working with “Leksaksfabriken/ The Toy Factory. The teachers also read aloud to the class from one of this semester’s Swedish novels.
Math – we did a test to check on where the students are in the subject
Science/NO – We continued our work with the theme Winter.
English – we are using Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl as our read aloud. We are going to use the book for class discussions and to inspire our writing.
In the coming week
This week’s homework: for English we’ve given the students questions to answer about Mr Fox.  For Math the students have been given a problem solving worksheet.
Winter vacation/sportlov commences after next week – February 27,  2017. We begin school again March 6, 2017. Jim will be back by then.
Wishing you a great weekend.
Kind regards,
Boë, Jim, Ninna and Sewe

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Happy Valentine and Welcome to the Class Blog

Our Teacher Boë's Art Experiment we will be doing in the Winter Project.

Things in the Classroom

At the Entrance of the Classroom we find this

This is the Profile Picture

The Guardian

A parrot on the wall

This morning we received a Valentine Call from Jim and he showed us the nice surroundings of his whereabouts. When he asked the class if they have been behaving he got both YES and NO for an answer. He said he belived that was true.  (It IS - but Mostly your behaviour is Excellent!)
After Sportlovet/The Sports Break he will be back!

The whole school sang "All you need is Love" in the schoolyard at the morning break  and in the afternoon Boë treated the class with a nice Valentine Surprise!

This week we are giving the class a test to diagnose the students skills in maths. We need to find out what level each student is at with the mathematics, and this is not only about counting, it is also about reading and understanding the Swedish and the English terminology around the subjects we are doing in the first grade.

"Over and out!"
/Substitute Teacher Ninna