Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Happy Valentine and Welcome to the Class Blog

Our Teacher Boë's Art Experiment we will be doing in the Winter Project.

Things in the Classroom

At the Entrance of the Classroom we find this

This is the Profile Picture

The Guardian

A parrot on the wall

This morning we received a Valentine Call from Jim and he showed us the nice surroundings of his whereabouts. When he asked the class if they have been behaving he got both YES and NO for an answer. He said he belived that was true.  (It IS - but Mostly your behaviour is Excellent!)
After Sportlovet/The Sports Break he will be back!

The whole school sang "All you need is Love" in the schoolyard at the morning break  and in the afternoon Boë treated the class with a nice Valentine Surprise!

This week we are giving the class a test to diagnose the students skills in maths. We need to find out what level each student is at with the mathematics, and this is not only about counting, it is also about reading and understanding the Swedish and the English terminology around the subjects we are doing in the first grade.

"Over and out!"
/Substitute Teacher Ninna