Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Activities from weeks 13 and 14

Here are some pics from our field trip to GlashusEtt where we
learned about how our household water is taken care of.

Our host, Erik, tells us about how household water is taken care of.
Erik asks three 1Bs to do a water test in a jar with three different types of paper: paper towels, kleenex and toilet paper to see which type of paper is most quickly broken down by water. They concluded that it was the toilet paper..
The studnets were later asked to sort watse into various garbage disposals.

Milo was our class host today
Milo's last day with us. We will miss him. We love you Milo!
1B's Week So Far:

One of this week's class hosts...

in action.

We finished our bird watching exercise with a bar graph. The blackbird was the bird seen most often.

Our spring cherry trees